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Firstly, the "Readings" overall have been a tremendous amount of help especially when coming up to our prototype. The morning lectures where we all went over the "Readings" together was especially useful and helped with time-management so most of the year and myself didn't spend too much time on the articles.
My favorite one so far was the "Game Design Document" or "GDD" this is where we discussed about the importance of a "Game Design Document" and how it provides help before starting on your game prototype. This excited me the most because it was the beginning in creating our own games. I looked at articles and videos about "GDD's" first on finding a good template or creating your own, then putting your game design idea onto the document such as:
1. A summary of what the game is about.
2. A description of the layout of the game.
3. Who is the games target audience e.g. kids, teenagers, adults.
4. Where the game is set e.g. in space, another planet etc.
5. The controls and mechanics of the game.
6. What platform it will be used on PC, XBOX, Playstation.
For many weeks I didn't do most of the readings and tasks and honestly didn't think I'd catch up I missed quite a few but caught up during the mid-term and was able to be on the same level as everyone else in my year. The project itself I have been on top of my game is turning out really well the first person controller I discussed about in my previous "Prototype" blog has been working perfectly and I now move onto the NPC's of my game. Although I have implemented quite a few assets from the asset store into my prototype and I hope to change that with the terrain sequence and the overall look of my character and world.
The tutorials themselves were really helpful, I do believe I did spend a good bit of my time when doing them which kind of unmotivated me to all of them together on a certain day which would then pile up with other assignments. I do understand most of the code that comes with a C# script as it was explained in these videos but I had to do a lot of recap when looking back at the codes and what each role they had towards the game working.
Throughout this module, my interest in game design as risen exponentially especially in Unity; the final outcome of a completed game is a great feeling after the hard work and timing but into it. Although the tutorials were there to help, I hope in my prototype I will show off my own unique design in my solely designed game.
The feedback on applications on Slack and Twitter have been great and so useful one thing I didn't take on before the mid-term was the one to one meetings; when I did one set up after the break it helped me immensely in catching up. This module became my most enjoyed one in this year cause of the help and feedback.
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